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Museums and heritage

Discover our heritage: museums, exhibitions, art galleries, monuments, castles… We have visited for you many places in Paris, in France and sometimes even abroad!

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  3. Monuments and castles
  4. Museums and heritage
In Rouen, the Aître Saint-Maclou is an unusual place that deserves a visit ! Nestled in the heart of the city, this former 15th-century ossuary attracts visitors not only for its mysterious atmosphere, but also for its cultural program and living spaces. Far from being stuck in the past, the aître Saint-Maclou is a vibrant, living place where history, […]
  1. Discover
  2. Go out
  3. Museums and heritage
  4. Temporary exhibitions
Notre-Dame de Paris is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, but the most famous of all cathedrals has also inspired numerous artists and craftsmen who, over the centuries, have created paintings, carpets, tapestries and furniture for it. Just a few months before its reopening on December 8, the Mobilier National is devoting its new exhibition to the […]