
Art, travel and culture blog

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Author: Antoine Vitek

Happy father of Culturez-vous! I am passionate about art, culture, heritage and travel.
  1. Discover
  2. Go out
  3. Museums and heritage
  4. Temporary exhibitions
While waiting for the reopening of cultural places, Culturez-vous brings the museums into your home! After discovering the museums of Moulins and the Chagall exhibition at the Pompidou-Metz Center, let’s open the doors of the Victor Hugo House in Paris. For its first exhibition since its restoration campaign, the Victor Hugo House is honouring François […]
  1. Discover
  2. Go out
  3. Museums and heritage
  4. Temporary exhibitions
In Metz (France), 2020 was the year of round figures: while the Centre Pompidou-Metz has just celebrated its tenth anniversary, the old Saint-Etienne cathedral has celebrated its eight hundredth anniversary. For this double occasion, a major exhibition dedicated to Marc Chagall – author of several of the cathedral’s stained-glass windows – should have opened its […]