
Art, travel and culture blog

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Author: Antoine Vitek

Happy father of Culturez-vous! I am passionate about art, culture, heritage and travel.
  1. Discover
  2. Go out
  3. Museums and heritage
  4. Temporary exhibitions
Do you like escape games or role playing games? Then you should love the new exhibition at the National Archaeology Museum in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (only 20 minutes by RER from Paris)! In “The World of Clovis”, you are indeed an actor of the exhibition since your visit will depend on you. Built on the model of […]
  1. Discover
  2. Go out
  3. Museums and heritage
  4. Temporary exhibitions
Throughout the ages, the sun has never ceased to inspire artists. This fascinating star by its brilliance, capable of being reborn every day, has been the central point of many paintings. This is notably the case in “Impression, soleil levant” (“Impression, Sunrise”), the mythical painting by Claude Monet in 1872, which gave its name to […]