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As Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, the Metropole du Grand Paris will be presenting “La Métropolitaine”, a major international contemporary art event throughout the summer , echoing the major sporting event that is about to thrill the whole world.

Totally free of charge, organized with 13 art venues throughout the metropolis and featuring some 100 artists, this major cultural event of the summer is on view until September 15.

In this article, we take a look at the programme for this eclectic event!

Article produced in collaboration with La Métropolitaine

Partner locations

La Métropolitaine is an event organized by the Metropole du Grand Paris, in collaboration with TRAM, the Paris/Ile-de-France contemporary art network.

13 locations are participating in this event:

13 contemporary art venues to discover with La Métropolitaine

Les Ateliers Médicis

Located in Clichy-sous-Bois, Ateliers Médicis welcomes artists of all disciplines for residencies and organizes encounters between artists and local residents.

For La Métropolitaine, they present “La Ruée vers l’or”, an immersive, interactive experience developed with 60 high school students, imagining new sports practices. On view until July 27.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 3
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 4 allée Françoise Nguyen – 93390 Clichy-sous-Bois

Center d’art contemporain d’Ivry – le Crédac

In Ivry-sur-Seine, Crédac specializes in the visual arts. It is a place of experimentation for both French and foreign artists, with a creative workshop as well as a space dedicated to encounters with the public and artistic practices.

Until July 13, you can discover “Tripple Dribble”, sculptures halfway between art and sport, imagined by Julia Borderie in collaboration with basketball players from Ivry and Vitry.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 4
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 1 place Pierre Gosnat – 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine – France

The Cité internationale des arts

Just a stone’s throw from Paris City Hall, the Cité Internationale des Arts has been welcoming artists from all over the world since 1965.

She is currently presenting the exhibition “Ces voix qui m’assiègent” (These voices besiege me) – a title inspired by the words of Assia Djebar. – title inspired by the words of Assia Djebar – which brings together several works linked to the decolonization movement and feminist struggles in Algeria, to be discovered until July 13.

You can also discover “Clairières”, an installation by former Cité resident Roseman Rabinot.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 5
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 18 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville – 75004 Paris

Frac Île-de-France, Les Réserves

Since 2021, the Frac Île-de-France has been housed in a new building, “Les Réserves”, providing it with large exhibition spaces to manage its collection while offering a wide-ranging cultural program.

Until July 21, the “Vieilles coques & jeunes récifs” exhibition explores the metaphor of the body as an envelope challenged by corals that replace or revive it.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 6
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 43 rue de la Commune de Paris – 93320 Romainville, France

Le Hangar Y

This former airship hangar, disused for 40 years, reopened in 2023. It is now a cultural venue.

On July 6 and 7, you can enjoy an artistic, sporting and festive weekend of basketball.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 7
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 9 avenue de Trivaux – 92190 Meudon

Did you know? 

The Greater Paris Metropolis involves 131 communes7.2 million inhabitants and a total surface area of 814 km2!

La Galerie, Noisy-le-Sec contemporary art center

La Galerie is a contemporary art center of national interest, founded in 1999. On the occasion of La Métropolitaine, La Galerie presents “Le Syndicat des Olympiades”, an inclusive and participatory project questioning the architectural, social and cultural impact of the Olympic Games, imagined by Brazilian artist Jonathas de Andrade in collaboration with local associations. – On view until November 30.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 8
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 1 rue Jean Jaurès – 93130 Noisy-le-Sec

La Terrasse art space, Nanterre

This contemporary art space develops exhibitions and cultural activities in public spaces. This summer, it is organizing several events:

  • Pique Olympe, a monographic exhibition by Malachi Farrel conceived as burlesque theater – on view until September 15.
  • Le Génie des lieux #4, an exhibition imagining the encounter between the gods of Olympus, art and sport – on view until September 15.
Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 9
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 57 boulevard de Pesaro – 92000 Nanterre – France

The Generator

Part theater, part exhibition space, the Générateur is an arts and performance space located at the gateway to Paris’s 13th arrondissement. Here, the visual arts meet the living arts.

From now until July 13, discover “L’effort, le monde” (The effort, the world ) a video installation by artist Jacques Perconte, which captures high mountain landscapes and the efforts of mountaineers.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 10

 16 rue Charles Frérot – 94250 Gentilly


Created in 2006 by the Fondation des Artistes, MABA organizes three exhibitions a year to promote contemporary art.

From July 5 to 7, you can discover “S’print”, a special event exploring the links between graphic design and sport, which will be further explored in an exhibition in September.

Then, on September 15, there’s “S ‘print final“, a one-day workshop for graphic design students to reflect on the relationship between graphic design and sport.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 11
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 16 rue Charles VII – 94130 Nogent-sur-Marne

MAC VAL – Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne

Opened in 2005, the MAC VAL is devoted exclusively to the French art scene since the 1950s. In addition to a permanent collection, two temporary exhibitions are organized each year.

From now until July 14, you can discover “Trophées / Trop faits” , an exhibition of a selection of prints from the museum’s collection based on the Olympic Games.

From July 21 to September 22, Julia Borderie, with the collaboration of Simon Zaborski and the participation of players from the Union Sportive Basket d’Ivry et de Vitry, will continue the “Tripple Dribble” exhibition presented at Crédac.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 12
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 Place de la Libération – 94407 Vitry-sur-Seine

Mains d’Œuvres, Saint-Ouen

Mains d’Œuvres’s ambition is to bring creativity to all, to enable people to imagine, feel and create our society together, through exhibitions, concerts, shows, workshops and encounters.

Until August 10, the exhibition“La Flamme” (The Flame ) will be on show, highlighting what animates, reveals and revolts us, as well as “L’Eau, l’or bleu” (Water, blue gold), a group exhibition exploring water as a source of life and energy, but also as a symbol of spiritual life and a means of regeneration.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 13
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 1 rue Charles Garnier – 93400 Saint-Ouen, France

La Maison Populaire, Montreuil

La Maison Populaire – or “Maison Pop'” as its regulars call it – is a cultural education association that encourages amateur practice through workshops and offers meetings with artists throughout the year.

Until July 12, the exhibition “Naughty Little Girl Theory”, the first solo show in France by American artist Ellen Cantor, focuses on the haunting of the female body as a site for the projection of fantasies, the abject and the monstrous.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 14
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 9 bis rue Dombasle – 93100 Montreuil, France

Sèvres – Manufacture et Musées Nationaux

Sèvres is more than just the famous factory founded in 1740 and still in operation today. It’s also a ceramics museum that preserves some 50,000 works from all eras and all countries.

Until September 22, a monumental work by Claire Tabouret has been installed on the façade of the museum, inspired by photographs of amateur sports clubs to reinterpret the great principles of Olympism: respect, surpassing oneself and friendship.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 15
Graphic design ↦ Benjamin Devy, Camille Guitton, Pia Philippe , Illustration ↦ Ensaders

 2 place de la Manufacture – 92310 Sèvres

And also… a joint project orchestrated by Maxime Rossi

In parallel with this program, the artist Maxime Rossi was invited by the members of the artistic co-direction committee to imagine a playful, poetic and participative work, “Terre, air, feu”, a synesthetic opera in 4 acts presented throughout the Metropolitan area.

Act III will be presented on July 6 and 7 at a still-secret venue, and Act IV on September 15 at Le Générateur in Gentilly.

Avec La Métropolitaine, le Grand Paris célèbre l’Art Contemporain 16
Maxime Rossi, Earth, air, fire, Saturday, June 1 at MABA, Photo: Vanessa Silvera

All that’s left for me to do is to wish you a great contemporary art marathon this summer in the Greater Paris Metropolis!

Article produced in collaboration with La Métropolitaine

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