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To discover the sound heritage of Versailles: this is the objective of the “cartes blanches électro” that the most famous château in France has been organising for three editions now.

350 years after Lully, Versailles continues to inspire musicians who draw on the richness of the castle’s “sounds” to compose their melodies. Nowadays, electro composers are inspired by the tinkling of chandeliers, the clanking of clocks, the creaking of parquet floors and the flow of water in fountains to create music “made in Versailles”. A beautiful project that allows you to listen to the monument and to (re)discover it in an original way.

Palace of Time, the new track by Fakear inspired by the sound heritage of Versailles

This year, the electronic music composer Théo Le Vigoureux, better known under the pseudonym of Fakear – whom many people discovered with “La Lune Rousse” – accepted Versailles’ invitation. After having immersed himself for several days in the sound atmosphere of the monument, he gave birth to the title “Palace of time”, inspired by the sound of clocks.

“I have copied many of the clocks in the Palace of Versailles, the eternal guardians of the place and the symbol of this strange, sometimes elastic time of our time.” – Fakear

And here is the result in a clip directed by Juliette Leigniel:

“I found myself (…) in this castle which is hundreds of years old and it was impressive. I found myself confronted with history, the building has a source of inspiration that crosses the ages, that is very old, to which we are used to associating music that is not at all modern. My role was to do just the opposite: to make it something very contemporary.” – Fakear

The artist reveals the background to this composition in a podcast that you can find on the castle’s website.

The former cartes blanches electro of the Château de Versailles
Born in 2019, the cartes blanches electro of the Château de Versailles have already welcomed three artists. During the two previous editions, Thylacine (in 2019) and Saycet (in 2021) were able to create music from the castle’s sound heritage.

2019 : Thylacine, Versailles

ALSO READ: The “sounds” of Versailles set to music by Thylacine and Jaffna

2021 : Saycet, Messa Solaris

So which of these three pieces of music do you prefer?

Header photo: © Château de Versailles / Thomas Garnier

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