
Art, travel and culture blog

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Author: Antoine Vitek

Happy father of Culturez-vous! I am passionate about art, culture, heritage and travel.
  1. Travel
  2. Travel to france
Located off the Côte d’Azur (France), Porquerolles Island offers an idyllic setting where landscapes of exceptional beauty mingle with rich biodiversity. But this jewel of the Mediterranean is a destination that can appeal to nature lovers and art enthusiasts alike, thanks to the presence of the Villa Carmignac, which offers exhibitions and a rich cultural program every […]
  1. Discover
  2. Go out
As Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, the Metropole du Grand Paris will be presenting “La Métropolitaine”, a major international contemporary art event throughout the summer , echoing the major sporting event that is about to thrill the whole world. Totally free of charge, organized with 13 art venues throughout the metropolis and featuring some 100 artists, this major […]