
Art, travel and culture blog

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Author: Antoine Vitek

Happy father of Culturez-vous! I am passionate about art, culture, heritage and travel.
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  3. Museums and heritage
“I was born twenty-five centuries too late” confided Iannis Xenakis. Yet this lover of Greek antiquity was resolutely modern, to the point of reinventing music and creating new architectural forms. Architect, engineer, composer, mathematician… Xenakis was all these things at once, which makes him a particularly atypical artist. On the occasion of the centenary of […]
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Today we are interested in a painting that is not exhibited in a museum or an art gallery but… in the Eastern Train Station in Paris! And this hanging owes nothing to chance. The painting “Le départ des poilus, août 1914” (The Departure of the Infantrymen, August 1914) by the American painter Albert Herter reminds […]